CryptoChefs’ Mission

2 min readOct 26, 2022

Okay, Chefs, do you want to know what all our team members have in common? We work together towards a straightforward goal. What is that goal, you ask? Keep reading and you will have a much clearer understanding of what CryptoChefs’ mission is.

Hint: read until the end.

Let’s cut to the chase, CryptoChefs has a clear mission: to provide an environment that reduces the burdens of entry to the crypto ecosystem for as many traders and/or beginners as possible. This statement represents our short-term goals, so we want to draw your attention to it in order to understand what we intend to deliver in order to achieve these goals. CryptoChefs’ team works hard to enable you, and any beginners, to navigate the crypto ecosystem, learn, trade and track your performance in a gamified manner. And the yummiest part: you get rewarded for positive performance.

We embrace the research that proves that learning is more efficient when doing so by playing. CryptoChefs believes productivity in any environment is increased when implementing the engaging elements found in games and play-time and applying them to complex real-world issues. We are working on upcoming solutions presented in our Roadmap, which further reduce the burdens of entry to the crypto market. CryptoChefs Quiz app: Cryptonaire, a trivia smartphone app that will also contribute to our mission of gamifying DeFi to make it easy and understandable for all. The plate is still extremely hot so we don’t want to serve it to your table just yet.

Last but not least, we have a surprise meal that will be dished out in our Newsletter at the end of the month. One last hint: scroll to the bottom of our website and write your email address to subscribe to our newsletter. If we were you, we would follow us for imminent announcements.

Enjoy your meal!

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